
I think I need more interesting post tittles!
Maybe I can make up for it with...


I only put 3 seeds in each pot Tuesday May 15.  Fast germinating is a really good start I hope.

Along with that development,  a bit of spinning happened.  
This is the second boll I've spun and I have 11 yards of 2-ply with only a few overspun spots.  Its getting better.  

And I've done the prep for the next boll of cotton.  First I remove one of the segments and separate the seeds.  Next, hold the seed in one hand and grab the edge of the cotton with the other hand and gently wiggle away from the center of the seed.  To loosen the cotton, it makes spinning off the seed a bit easier.   
The four seeds at the bottom I've loosened the fiber.

The white tray on the left has 2 layers of seeds already loosened.
On the right is 1 'segment' removed and 1 'segment still on the cotton pod.

This week  I will handspin this pod of cotton and try to not overspin or have breaks.  
Thanks for visiting.  If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments.


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